websites in our network feature automated click-based (CPC), time-based (CPT) or
impressions-based (CPI) advertising (including ‘rotation ads’) for Users’
website(s) / banner(s) or for their business product(s) or service(s). For ads,
we accept text, hypertext, an image, an image map, or flash, javascript or HTML
code as one object element only (i.e. no Frames, Framesets or iFrames are
allowed!). Our standrad banner / text ad resolutions are (in Pixels): 960x123,
580x290, 468x60, 160x600, 120x600. Maximum ad size is 750KB. Allowed file
formats are: *.txt, *.html, *.gif, *.png, *.jpg, *.mp3, *.swf, *.js, *.flv,
*.wmv. Other formats may also be permissible. We also offer pixel
advertising and affiliate
marketing or resell advertising.
All advertising is controlled via a single sub-domain